Wind Noise or Boom Box noise when we drive, can anything be done?

First I will speak about cars you drive. Wind noise is that noise you hear and may describe as a whistle noise or if you’re at high speed and a cross wind come by you may hear a loud groan or a loud boom box noise, on some vehicle (it is said to be a characteristic, not true).

I have found these problems with several new cars and on some new trucks but they can’t seem to get that problem fixed on some of them.

The cause of wind noise around the windows or windshield is the seals are not as tight as they should be but only tight enough to stop noise at low speed.   Most of the time the wind noise seem to be coming from the front doors at the top corner at the windshield and on some cars at the sun roof, a wind noise may be heard as well.

If any of you have ever owned or driven a 1964 Plymouth Fury made by Chrysler you will hear nothing even if a big truck goes by without a muffler, this car was the quietest car ever made in my opinion, funny the new cars and trucks are suppose to be better than the old cars and trucks, makes you wonder what happened?

I have seen service writer place a dollar bill in the door and try to pull it out and if it does not pull out they tell the customer there is nothing wrong with the seal. That may be right as far as the looks of it when you see it but when the door is closed and the seal is suppose to be pressed tight against both sides of the door so it does not leak air at high speeds. The excessive wind noise and loud booming noise is not normal for any vehicle.

At the front windshield when a cross wind is heard and you hear that loud growling sound, a sound that you cannot ignore because of the loudness and the sound it makes.  That wind noise seeming to come at the windshield is caused by a defective seal or the under hood opening at the hinges, this is where the wind travels up the A-Pillar and causes the noise with a cross wind.

I have proven this theory several times by plugging those holes with rags and running the same speed at the same area with cross wind (speeds above 65mph).

The problem is you are told by service they cannot drive over 65mph so we cannot hear anything wrong and your car or truck and it is released without a repair, there are some who has had the service writer or service manager go for a ride with them. When you can prove a problem and they could hear for themselves, then they do seem to get fixed.  Wind noise is not normal and when you purchased the new vehicle you were not told you will get wind noise at high speed because if you were told that you would have likely walked away from the deal.  After several repair attempts are made you may hear from the service writer that the door seals and windshield seals may have been replaced already and that is it, no more repairs because they cannot verify a problem.  The sun roof will also cause a loud whirling sound at high speeds as well and is likely cause by defective seals or improperly installation, I have seen both and water leaked in as well when it rains.   That noise, can’t be fixed unless a Technician is willing to get serious and find the spot causing the problem and then properly fix it.

Now let me speak on the trucks with 4 doors or rear windows in them.  The noise I am speaking about is called a Boom Box Noise. This loud noise only happens when driving your truck at high speed with the two rear windows is ¼ way down.  This is another problem I have witnessed when testing vehicles and the owners had no idea what caused it.   I had an older gentleman with me on a road test and he told me his A/C went out when he and his wife were crossing the Ca desert and it was around 95 degrees.  He told his wife he was going to roll down the windows and did so but the air was so hot is wife complained about it and he rolled up the two front windows and rolled down the two rear windows about ¼ of the way.   The sound heard was ear piercing and he had to roll all the windows back up.  The noise created by the two rear windows rolled down ¼ way is caused by the top of the truck flexing like someone flopping a piece of flat metal on the ground.  This can be fixed but the repair needed is unlikely going to happen.   The reason given to most of my customers is you are suppose to run with the windows up and the A/C on when it is hot, no advice if the A/C goes out if you got to drive.

Weak seals and gaskets make the wind easy for it to come inside and cause the noise you hear.  A bad seal will also let water leak inside as well when it rains hard, water can cause electrical shorts and stop parts from working as well as unseen rusted seams that will rot out.

So what should you do if you got loud wind noise, complain about it to your dealership and demand a fix.  If your dealership says they won’t do anything or cannot do anything about it. They may tell you it is a characteristic of the vehicle and you are left hanging as if it’s your problem and not theirs, and then you need to call an attorney for help.  This wind noise is not normal for any car or truck excluding some convertibles.  I have inspected over 3,500 cars and trucks and have witnessed this problem on several over the years that have had to get attorney help in order to get it solved. Help is available if you need it and the advice is free.

Written by Jackie Winters of, I also have several attorneys listed on my web site that my customers have used with great success. Good luck and God bless you.






Used Vehicle that have been an accident, beware

In the past I have inspected several like new cars and they all looked like they were well-maintained and never have been in an accident, the inspection proved otherwise. One must be aware that some used-car dealers will buy cars from auto auction, and some of those vehicles have been wrecked and repaired. These cars may never get reported to the police department and therefore do not show up in the Car Fax or Car Check reports.

With the purchase the customer also purchased an extended warranty. He started to have some electrical issue as well as suspension noises soon after. The dealership told the customer the $2,800.00 warranty he/she purchased did not cover the repairs because the repair was related to an accident that occurred before the vehicle was purchased. The customer was told the vehicle has never been in an accident.

I was asked to do an inspection on it and found several area showing damages that had been repaired indicating the vehicle has been in a major accident.

The vehicle which was purchased for $26,000, the person who purchased the car was given a Car Check report and showed to not have been in any accidents and based on that the car was purchased.

The customer wanted to trade the vehicle in and when the dealership inspected the vehicle the y found past accident damage, the dealership turn down the trade in. According to a new Car Fax report given to the customer during a trade in it appeared the vehicle had been in an accident. I later realized the original Car Check report had been cut and pasted together without the section showing the accident part. Someone sold a vehicle under fraud conditions when they made the true Car Check appear to be something it was not.

Used-car dealers’ salesmen know how to talk to car buyers. An inspection from a Trained Technician should always be done on newer used vehicle when the sale seems to be too good to be true.

A salesman may tell the potential buyer, “Look, I like you and want to help you. Although I am not supposed to do this, but I will drop the price a few more hundred dollars to help you.” This is a hook most people fall into. This $26,000 car should have been sold for $13,000, but like I said he was given a discount because the salesman said he likes him. Remember sales person does not know you any better than you know him or her. Sales persons are trained to make you feel like a true friend when in fact all they want is to sell you the vehicle and get that commission; then it’s good-bye and don’t bother me with any car repairs or complaints you have. The truth was the salesman may not have known about the accident damage but it seemed he robbed the customer. The customer had to file a lawsuit that may drag on for months or possible more before he recovers any money at all.

Upon inspection I removed some trim panels and took photos of the places where the rocker panels were and could see it had been hit and improperly repaired. This vehicle’s actual cash value was around $13,000, about half of what the customer paid for it and far less than the value of a good vehicle that was not wrecked. Not to count the loss of the $2,800.00 warranty that would not be honored by any dealership, the customer loses all the way around. The Lemon Law firms I work with may file what is called a “Fraud” case to help you recover the loss if this happens to you. You need to have all your paper work in order when you file.

I have inspected over 3,500 vehicles and have only had to go to trial on 53 cases. The attorney law firms I work with are the best in the business. A wrecked vehicle is also an unsafe vehicle if it was not properly repaired.

If this vehicle that had another side impact at the same side which was improperly repaired, the people on that side of the vehicle will likely die or get severely hurt. When a side center post or rocker panel is replaced, there are specific places that need to be worked on in order to make the vehicle worthy to be on the road again. When a dealership sells a vehicle that has been in an accident, a statement of fact (disclosure) has to be given to the customer so he or she will know about accident.

My recommendation is: have a professional vehicle inspector inspect the vehicle, to see if the damaged areas have been properly repaired or not. If he or she decides to buy the vehicle the chance of getting it insured is unlikely anyway. A vehicle with frame damage has a value drop of at least 50% no matter who repaired the vehicle and the resale of that same vehicle is unlikely, unless it is to a junk yard. My advice is: don’t buy any vehicle that has had a major accident. Get a report from Car Fax and Car Check as well, because one may not show the vehicle was in an accident and it is likely the other will.

If you need a good Lemon Law attorney or a good Personal Injury attorney go to my web site and you will find several attorneys over 3500 of my customers have used all with great success.

Thank you for visiting and tell a friend, GOD bless you.


What causes an engine to burn oil?

Is it normal for an engine to burn oil every 750 to 1000 miles?

Some manufactures seen to think it’s OK for their engine to burn a quart of oil every 750 to 1,000 miles.  I can assure you that oil burning is not normal for any engine and is a smog concern according to the California resources board.

The oil burning you experience may not be seen when driving or sitting steal with the engine running. The amount of oil burned is very small but never the less it is using oil. Over time the oil usage will get worst as the miles increase.

The cost to repair an engine from burning oil is as much as a new vehicle, depending on which vehicle you have purchased.

I have inspected several vehicles with the V-6 and V-8 engine and they were using oil every 750 to 1,000 miles.  The owners have complained to the dealership for the oil burning issue’s, and was told it is normal.  This normally happens after they run an oil consumption test and can’t repair the engine unless it’s completely replaced.

The engine cost can be from several hundred or as much as $10,000.00, this is just for the parts and this does not included the labor to remove and then reinstall the new engine at labor cost starting at $85.00 an hour for as much as $150.00 an hour at most dealers, exotic cars may be much more.

I have also seen this oil burning concern with the 3.8 engine, this person was told it is normal for their engine to burn oil every 750 to 1,000 miles of driving; in fact it was in writing the engine will burn a quart of oil every 750 miles but was not true. The engine should not burn oil any time between oil changes on any engine.

I have also seen very high end vehicle costing over $80,000 dollars to buy and they are having problems using oil every 1,000 miles and the owner is told; the engine burning oil is normal for this engine because it has a Turbo. The replacement engine for the vehicle is over $30,000 dollars (yes over 30K) not to include the over 25 hours of labor at $135.00 to $150 per hour average cost to install it. You might want to think twice before investing in a vehicle that has this oil burning concerns.

What causes an engine to lose or burn or lose oil?

There are several things that will cause abnormal oil usage or burning,

1)    Damaged or worn valve guides

2)    Damaged or worn valve seals

3)    Collapsed, broken or stuck piston rings

4)    Damage pistons

5)    Damage piston walls

6)    Clogged breather valve

7)    Oil leaking from seals and gaskets

Signs of oil burning are usually accompanied by Blue Smoke from the exhaust when it is started or running depending on what part is defective or damaged and how bad the damage is.  Oil leaking can also contribute to excessive oil usage and this is something that will be seen after you park and let the vehicle sit awhile. Most oil leak repairs are fixed by replacing a seal or gasket.

If valve guides are worn blue smoke will be seen when the engine is started, usually after it has run and then sits awhile.

If valve seals are worn or broken blue smoke will be seen when the engine is started, usually after it has run and then sits awhile.

If the piston ring seize, break or collapse in their groove, oil will pass causing the excessive oil burning. Damaged pistons and rings will cause oil burning and excessive blow-by. This will also cause the exhaust smoke to be blue when driving or at idle depending on how bad the oil is leaking past the piston rings or valve guides or seals.

When an engine is using oil it is caused by defective piston, rings or valve parts and the engine will need to be removed and over hauled. It’s a time consuming job and very costly depending on the vehicle.

If you are told the oil burning is normal don’t accept that just because the dealership is telling you. In fact if you call an engine repair shop that rebuilds engine they will tell you when an engine is burning oil it will possible need to be overhauled, that means all intern parts will need to be cleaned and replaced as needed.

The good news is the lemon law applies to all new and used vehicles with a warranty. If you are given the run the engine oil burning is normal, don’t accept that as a final word when help is available at no cost to you in most cases.

I suggest you go to my web site and see some of the attorneys listed that over 3,500 of my customers have used to help them get a full refund or a replacement vehicle and in some cases get some money compensation.  You have nothing to lose by asking for some free advice by some of California best Lemon Law and Personal Injury attorneys.

Keep in mind the Lemon Law applies to all new or used vehicles purchased from a dealership with a warranty and includes Pre-Owned Certified cars and trucks.  The warranties can be negotiated; you must be sure the extended warranty covers free loan car and zero deduction or you will pay for any and all complaints, be careful and be sure to read what is covered before you sign.

Good luck God bless you from Lemon Protection.



How to Use the Ca Lemon Law to Your Advantage

Getting a Replacement Vehicle, All Money paid to the dealership back or Compensation Money back for a Lemon Vehicles. Don’t keep paying for a vehicle that has problems.

Have you ever purchased a New or Used vehicle form a dealership large or small and it turned out to have problems from the start or soon after? Do you feel like you got a Lemon? It’s time to use the lemon law to get help and it is at no cost to you at all.
You may be entitled to a full refund, replacement vehicle or money compensation for you problems. The dealership will always tell you the lemon law does not apply to your vehicle, why?
The reason is the lemon law does apply and you have rights, you can get help and to get back what you have paid in or a free replacement vehicle and or money for compensation.
After you have purchase the vehicle and left the dealership the salesman does not want you to call him or her if your vehicle has problems no matter big or small, they will tell you, you have a warranty and go to the service department.
When you purchase a new or used vehicle remember, the Lemon Law applies to all new or used vehicles purchase from a dealership large or small in several states mainly California, Nevada and Arizona with a warranty.

Step 1) If you had to have a repair or repairs in the first 18mo or 18K miles, three times you may be or are entitled to a full refund or a replacement vehicle if the problem has not been properly diagnosed or repaired or money compensation. This applies to all problems unless it is a safety issue such as the ABS or SRS warning system and that is only two times but the problem has not been fixed and continues.

Step 2) Keep all records and be sure to get a record of your visit no matter how small or what the records writes states each time you go in. If you service department tells you, we will fix it on the drive way and you can be on your way but you get no paper work for proof, do not accept that, you must get paper work for you proof of service attempt, that includes if they only add 1 qt of oil, do not leave without an invoice.

Step 3) Make sure if the complaint is the same as the last visit that the record show the exact same wording. (Example: My A/C has a foul odor or my engine is using oil and this is written two times, now a third repair record with the same issue if it read “Driveability issue” you now have a problem, the wording is not the same as the two times prior and therefore may be excused, yes all because of the wording. The record must state the same as the first two visits ” My A/C has a foul odor or my engine is using oil” this applies to all problems, including an oil consumption issue.

Step 4) Now if you are told the lemon law does not apply but your told, lets us put you into another vehicle and just use the one you have as a trade in, you will lose money. Now you will be paying for the one you just traded in and the new one you now own on as well as more interest payments. Not a good deal for you but a great deal for the dealership.

Step 5) When you are told after a repair it is a good will repair, don’t believe it, there is no such thing because after you leave, the dealership is paid by the factory and that makes it a paying repair.

Step 6) You will need an attorney to enforce the lemon law or you will lose the case and lose money.

Step 7) What are you entitled to when you file a lemon law claim, you may be entitled to a free replacement vehicle, a full refund or money compensation for your problems and all attorney fees.

Step 8) What is covered under the lemon law, anything that happens three or more times unless it is a safety issue as the SRS or ABS warning lights coming on and that is only two times, the engine light coming on is also another problem that may be two or three repairs if it effects smog rules such as Oil Consumption. Rattle, clunks, squeak are also covered under the lemon law and can become a big problem if not properly diagnosed and fixed.

The truth is, it was told to me by an attorney representing the manufactures, they are given $15,000 to settle your case with, that would include your money back and all attorney fees on your side, that number may be higher now.

Here is an example and I have proof of this transaction;
I purchased a 2009 Toyota Tacoma and started to have problems from 4,000 miles. The transmission makes a hard clunk after you stop, the rear end is howling at 52mph and the radio turns off and on when it wants to.
I made complainants to Toyota and they took my truck but after a few days I was called and told to pick another vehicle out of the show room. They gave me another truck a year newer, I now drive a 2010 Toyota Tacoma.
I admit the gas mileage is great but the transmission is clunking after a complete stop and the radio turn on and off when it wants to and the rear end is howling at 52mph, clearly a factory defect.
I was refused any help although I made recording and showed the dealership manager the metal parts that fell out of the rear axle on service but was told Toyota said it is normal. As for the transmission clunk after a stop I was told its normal and the drive shaft is turning but no problem were found, this was an insult to me because I know that was a lie. The radio turning off and on by itself another problem I was told I would have to pay for that inspection although I have a video recording of that event. The problem is Toyota refuses to do anything about it. I have Technician Service Bulletins on the problems I spoke of but I was refused help anyway.
As a lemon law expert it is recommended that I do not file a lemon law claim so I have not. When my truck breaks down on the road side I was told by the dealership, Toyota said they will help me but not until then. My next step will be small claims court with my records for proof.

If you are having problems there is help out there and it is FREE, all you got to do is have clear record of three attempts for the same issue or two times for a safety issue such as the SRSs or ABS warning light is coming on. But remember just because you have call an attorney and got an inspection with a good report, do not stop complaining and keep getting invoices, it will help show you are steel having problems.

Ask yourself why should I keep paying for a vehicle that is in the shop when it suppose to be new, pre-owned and per-certified. Free help is available in getting a full refund or a free replacement vehicle or some money compensation back. I was an expert witness for on Honda case and the person got a free replacement vehicle two years newer at no extra cost. I have seen people get full refunds and have seen people get back money compensation, in fact on women got $3,000 for a seat belt light coming on when all that needed to done was a connector had to be pressed in tighter, because it was loose under her passenger seat. I witnessed that problem and told the dealership how to fix it and they said we are the specialist and don’t take advice from outside mechanics. That was OK because my customer got $3,000 back and she was happy, I plugged the connector in as it should be, and the problem is gone.

I am ASE Certified, GM Certified Craftsmen, Detroit Diesel Certified, Hybrid Trained, Automotive Appraiser and Expert Witness with over 52 trials and 400 depositions and have 35 years of hands on experience in the automotive field. Good luck and any question please leave a comment and I will answer you.

I am not an attorney and do not giving legal advice, this is what I have learned over the last 10 years working with lemon law clients. I am only attempting to inform you of how to help yourself if you purchased a lemon. For more vehicle stories please go to my web site or blog.

Thank you and tell a friend.

Engine Oil Burning

Engine problems, adding oil every 700 to 800 miles?

As a mechanic I will explain why an engine will burn oil and why it should not burn oil as well as what to do if it is burning oil. Do you have to add oil; before it time to change it, if the answer is yes then your engine is burning oil and it is not normal. The reason an engine is burning oil is it has an internal leak at the Piston Rings, the Valve Guides or the Valve Seals.

I have had a lot of customers tell me the engine is using oil and they are told by their dealership it is normal for an engine to burn a quart of oil every 700 to 800 miles and not to worry about it, just add oil or come in and we will add the oil for you.

Please know if an engine is using oil even a quart every 700 to 800 miles then you are creating smog and our laws do not take kindly to that. We have strict smog laws because of oil burning vehicle on the road and it is hurting our environment.

If your engine has to have oil added between oil changes then you will need one of three things done and it will require a complete engine teardown. If the Valves Guides or Valve Seals are leaking oil past then into the Piston Cylinder then the cylinder heads will have to be removed and that is at least a 14 hour job on most engines today. This repair requires the cylinder head to be removed and reworked and new guides and seals installed.

If the Piston Rings are leaking oil then you will have to have the engine torn down all way and the Pistons will have to be removed so new Piston and Rings can be replaced and that cost almost as much as a remanufactured engine (USED BUT REBUILT).

I guarantee you if your vehicle is under warranty and the warranty expire you will be told the engine oil burning will have to be fixed. You may say to the service writer I told you I was burning oil every 700 to 800 miles and you told me not to worry about it. Now I am burning two quarts of oil every 1,000 mile and now you are telling me I need a ring job or possible a new engine, so what’s up with that?

What should you do if your engine is burning oil and you can’t seem to get the help you want, call a lemon law attorney and get a professional lemon law expert? I work with the best in the business and I have seen results for my customers. Some have gotten all their money back or a complete replacement vehicle because of this oil burning and other things that can’t seem to be fixed. Don’t let a service writer tell you well the first quart of oil to get burned is normal, do you remember when you first purchased the vehicle if anyone told you the engine will need oil added every 700 to 800 miles. I don’t think anyone can say they were ever told that until after they paid for the vehicle and then had to go to the shop for an oil light or oil pressure warning coming on.

If you need help let me know or go to my web site, help is there for you and keep in mind most attorneys don’t charge you to take your case and you will come out ahead. My motto is “We Only Inspect – Not Repair” help is her for you, God bless you.


I want to let all you people who buy new and used car or trucks beware of the warranty you pay for. I just read a warranty I thought was not being sole again because of how crooked it is but low and behold people are still getting Ripped Off. This warranty covers the engine, transmission, steering, suspension and brakes as well as the electrical system, sound good. The catch is it only covers thing that don’t usually break. This person who paid $1,850.00 with a $50.00 deduction had an engine oil leak and it cost her $797.00 to fix it, with a 50.00 deduction.

Later she had a thermostat stick a $20.00 part and a $50.00 deduction but it was covered under warranty. A small hose was broken and the manager told her we will cover this as a goodwill gustier, she still paid the $50.00 deduction, so what a $20.00 part and a few minutes of time. By the way a Goodwill repair is not goodwill because they still get paid, it is not a free repair, and someone pays. The repair in total was only $45.00 anyway.

Please do not buy any warranty from any dealership or car lot unless the warranty says it will cover the things I listed above and the SEAL AND GASKETS. When a seal or gasket breaks it can cause internal wear and if that is the case your warranty is no good anyway if the engine has internal wear and it likely will. You will be told well you should have fixed the leak, sorry but it was your fault and we cannot cover it under warranty. This is a real crooked warranty system that is being sold and I pray before you buy be sure to tell the seller to show you the part that states SEALS AND GASKETES are covered or get up and walk away. His word is no good; some of you may have already found that out the hard way. If a salesman attempt to sell you a warranty ask him/her if it covers everything and if it don’t do yourself a favor and just don’t but the vehicle from that dealership or car lot. Think, if they lie to you when you are trying to buy a good vehicle then they will most likely lie to you in the shop when repair are needed.

This poor lady now had a repair that she was told when she purchased the warranty everything will be covered and she had a $70,000.00 plus car. The sales men are not your friends they do not care about you all they want is your money and then it is “Don’t bother me with your car repairs go to the service department”.

I called a service department at a local dealership and spoke with a finance manager and ask about the warranty as if I were going to buy it, he told me everything is covered. I gave him the name of the warranty and he said yes everything is covered with a $50.00 deduction. My only regret is I cannot publish the name of the warranty or the dealerships that do this but I can and will tell you if the warranty don’t state in writing it covers SEALS AND GASKETS then you are getting ripped off if you buy it.
Please BEWARE OF THE WARRANTYS SOLD BY CAR LOTS AND DEALERSHIPS they in most part are rip offs that don’t cover the thing that cause problems most often. Any question please comment and I will get back to you, God bless and be careful.

How do you identify a Lemon car or truck?

How do you identify a Lemon car or truck?

A vehicle breaking down and needs repaired often?
The same repair keeps coming back?
The A/C has a foul odor that keeps returning? 4 repair attempts for the same non safety issue?
The SRS or ABS Warning lights coming on 2 times and not fixed?
These are just a few of the things that get people wondering “Did I get a Lemon”.

First if you have purchased a new or used vehicle in Ca. and are having problems with it then you may be entitled to a full refund, a replacement vehicle or some compensation. The first thing you need to do is contact an attorney who specializes in Lemon Law.

He or She will ask you for a clear copy of all your past repair orders and purchase agreement or contract. So be ready to have a clear copy of all your paper work, make two copies because the Inspector will also need a clear copy to write your report with.

The attorney may ask you to have an independent contractor who specializes in vehicle inspection do an inspection, he will write a full report they can read. This will tell the attorney the current condition including Trouble Codes found and will show the past records as well as the Diminished Value you have lost.

Identifying a Lemon is done by professionals who have experience in all areas of a vehicle.

First an inspection is done to the vehicle and this is followed by a road test and on board computer test for trouble codes.

The inspector then takes all the information he has gathered during the on-site inspection and starts to write a report. The report will also include the past repair history of everything that has been done to repair the vehicle.

The report will also include research on several web sites that is with industry standards and that would include Government sites.

The report would also include the Diminished value of a vehicle meaning how much value has been lost based on the current blue book, past repairs and current repairs needed.

The report when finished with all research including the photos and or video taken during the inspection and road test will be sent to your attorney.

The attorney will read the report and make sure the information is correct and may even call the Technician for any clarification if need. The attorney will contact the other side’s attorney and submit that information to them, starting the negotiation for a settlement.

You may be asking to give a deposition and if that happens, you will need to be ready. Be sure to read all your papers and know them. When you speak to the attorneys be nice, there is no need to have animosity. The attorneys are there to help settle your case. Your attorney will be there if the asking attorney gets a little abusive.

Always be straight forward and honest, a lie will cost you the case. I have seen it happen, so be very honest no matter how bad it sounds be honest. The fact is the attorneys are looking to know all they can about the experiences you have had with the vehicle.

There are not that many Lemon cars and trucks but when you get one it is painful. The engine light coming on, the brakes make noise, the steering is clunking, the A/C has a very foul odor from its vents and the list can go on and on.  The time involved can be as much as two years. I have seen most cases settle within 11 months.  Trial will go from five days to three weeks. The just can be out one hour or less and or out for days. I had a case where the just was in deliberation for three days. That is nerve wrecking but when you got the right evidence you can win.  I had a video showing the problem and the customer complained about that same problem several times. The Technician kept saying he could not find anything wrong, a very common problem.

You may get an offer to settle after your deposition and if not they may want to depo’s your mechanic who did the written report on your vehicle. They will ask him what he did and to show the evidence he has. He will be ask to explain the inspection and how it is done, he will be ask to speak about the repair orders. After his deposition you may get an offer to settle and if not then your attorney will continue an attempt to work with the opposing side’s attorney and if an agreement cannot be reached you may go to trial.

If you go to trial always be clean, polity and look at the person speaking to you. Read over your deposition and read all your paper so you can have a clear memory of the problem you have had. Always be honest and do not get mad, it doesn’t look good and it doesn’t help you anyway.

I hope this helps you if you have gotten a lemon or know someone who has got a lemon. The lemon law applies to all new and used vehicle purchased from a car or truck dealer.

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