Won, $5090 for Diminished Value LA Court

January 07, 2022 Diminished Value

My name is Jackie Winters and I am a Diminished Value Expert. Today we won another Diminished Value case for a total of $5,090 for a rear end collision.

After we met at the court and went over the file I had prepared and I had prepared a brief for the Judge, this gives him an overview he can read in a matter of seconds and know exactly what happened. We walked into the court house and went into the room for the Judge to judge my client’s case for a rear end collision the Ins Co are refusing to pay.

Everyone in the court room is ask to go outside and try settle the case, some do settle but my clients case did not so we had to stand before the Judge and present his case.

We walked up to the desk in front of the Judge when his name was called and the Judge ask why was he here? My client said Your Honor I am here for my loss of value caused by the defendant when he rear ended my car.

The Judge ask the Defendant was the accident your fault and the Defendant answered “Yes Sir”.

The Judge then ask my client how the accident happen and he said “I was at a stop sign when the Defendant rear ended me”, the Judge then ask about the Diminished Value report and my client ask the Judge of I could speak for him about the Diminished Value and the Structural damages and the Judge said yes.

The Judge ask me about the Diminished Value report I wrote for James and after my explanation of it and how we come to get the numbers he agreed it was accurate and he admitted it into the court, he also asked me about the damages and what had happened. After I explained the report and why the car cannot be made whole, he said I  will give you my decision in 5 to 7 days.

Seven days later I got a call from my client James and he said we won the case for the full amount ask for, he was only allowed to ask for $5,000 since he owned a Car Lot and the car was for sale, so $5,000 is the limit he can ask for, all other claims can ask for up to $10,000 for loss of value.

Even though we won, I do expect the Ins Co to appeal the case in hope my client will back down, most people think you need an attorney for Superior Court but not here, I was the client speaker given permission by the client and agreed by the Judge and he allowed me to speak about the Diminished Value and the Structure damage done in the accident, the car was rear ended and required some panel to be replaced and that is structural damage and the car will never be made whole again as it was and we proved that fact.

Remember if you get in an accident not your fault, you are entitled to get Diminished Value for your loss, all you go to do is prove it and remember most Ins Co will appeal the case and you do not need an attorney to go to court with you in Superior Court when they appeal your case, we have won all Superior Court Cases so far.

Good Luck and tell a friend,

Jackie Winters

Lemon Protection

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GM Craftsman, ASE Certified, Detroit Diesel Certified, Hybrid Toyota, Honda and Ford Training and a Certified Trained Appraiser with over 30 years of hands on experience. I started lemon protection in 1984 and own the TM in the whole United States of America. I have written several books on cars and one about inventions. I have been on TV and Radio several times with consumer reporters. An attorney in Los Vegas NV has just caused State Farm to back down when using my new report and was given 4.5 time the original offer.