Abortion over Adoption but NO Funeral, Ever seen a Baby in Jars after Dissection ?

Yes, it happen every time a Baby is Aborted.

Harass Approved Abort the Baby, why when it can be adopted, your Vote is worth more to her than the life of a Healthy Baby.

Ladies may I just ask this question and then ask if the option are acceptable to you. But first I just want to be honest and say I think any woman having an abortion because she is made at her lover or husband or just want to be hateful and show some-one she can do what she wants to, out of hate or to be spiteful.

When a woman dose it under those condition she is committing Murder and should be punished or made to never have another child. That is a live human and our VP does not care any for those live healthy babies she says to Abort. God was clear “Do not Hurt the Little Ones” they belong to God.

First, some friends both are Elder at 70 yo and never had children, were coming into middle age when they married. He worked on the road all the time and just retired but never had children, they did want a Baby and continue to try until the Doctors said forget it.

One thing to know is many people who can’t have children want to adopt a new born baby and can’t because there to many other people waiting and wanting them.

Ladies if you had a choice to make money for carrying that baby and be well taken care of, would you go full term and deliver it for adoption for a couple over Adoption?

The new family can care for you and the baby, they can care for you through that term and then give to you living expense after the adoption is over to help you out for the next 9 months as if you were working since you allowed them to care for you and the Baby up to birth so they can Adopt it.

Aborting a Baby because it is your body is not a good reason to Abort a Baby who has a healthy heart and is in good physical condition. A child that can grow and care for you when you get old, if you had a hard life, help your Baby have a better life.

What happens after the Abortion, do you really know?

I girlfriend had one 35 years ago and the effects of that will hit her later on when she having that desire to have a child. Worst yet, when you know what really happens to your Baby who was Health and had a good Heart beat when you got that Abortion, it will make you very sick depressed.

Abortion Process;

  1. You are laid on a bed with stirps where you place your feet in them and then the Doctor looks at you.
  2. The Doctor uses a metal knife made special for this, he or she makes a cut in the sack where the baby is protected and then it falls out into a bucket or pan on the floor.
  3. A nurse or another person will take the baby in the bucket or pan and then rush into another room out of your site where it is placed on a cold metal table for dissection.
  4. You are told by the caring Nurses you did a really good job as they clean you up and watch for bleeding, if all is well, they walk you out of the office telling you to rest a few weeks before going back to doing what you want to do.
  5. Back in the other room where your healthy Baby with a good Heart Beat was laid onto a cold table, dissection starts with a clean sharp knife so to cut the baby apart.
  6. The Baby may be held down by his face with someone hand over it while another person cuts the chest open into a “Y” section extending from the Left and Right Shoulder to the Center of chest followed by one long cut down the middle of the stomach to the navel, this is to make it easy to harvest your baby’s body parts.
  7. The skin is peeled back and clamped out of the way and then the body parts are pulled up so to be cut and then put into a jar of fluid to be sold. The baby’s heart was still beating when it was removed and put on ice before its parts are delivered to its purchaser.
  8. Did you know when that baby come out it was wanting his mother to hold it and feed it but it was dissected instead thanks to the Harass  campaign telling women she can do what she want to “Its her Body”, right kill healthy Babies.

Have you ever been to the Funeral of an Aborted baby? No because there are none.

There is no Funeral for your Baby, no viewing to say good, you are free to do what you want to do now

As VP Harass says loud and clear “It is your body and you can do what you want to with it” just know that Healthy baby did not have to die because VP Harass says so.

When you stand before God have a good answer as why you Aborted a Healthy baby because someone who cared nothing for you says you can?

You may hear God say “Is VP Harass your god”? Enter into the gates of Hell where you belong.

Ladies think about the Abortion and the price you will pay after having it. If you choose not to abort, there are many homes willing to Adopt and support and help you. After the baby is born, they can help you to move on.

Please consider not Voting for Harass. Think of the Child she cares nothing for and is willing to allow Abortion of those healthy heart beating Babies, it is your decision, the next time you think of a child in a woman womb think of it falling out into a bucket and then Dissected while it lives.

There are the children of God and a gift to mankind. If you are Christian or not and Voter for VP Harass, you are telling God his creation is not worth the Vote.

Thank you for your time and please spread the word “Don’t Abort if there is no Medical reason”.

Thank you,

Jackie Winters

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GM Craftsman, ASE Certified, Detroit Diesel Certified, Hybrid Toyota, Honda and Ford Training and a Certified Trained Appraiser with over 30 years of hands on experience. I started lemon protection in 1984 and own the TM in the whole United States of America. I have written several books on cars and one about inventions. I have been on TV and Radio several times with consumer reporters. An attorney in Los Vegas NV has just caused State Farm to back down when using my new report and was given 4.5 time the original offer.

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