“I Proved it and the Ticket was Dismissed”
To those who have paid the Red-Light Ticket, let me tell you why my Red-Light Ticket was dismissed and why you can ask for and do the same thing I did.
I believe the Red-Light Ticket Violation Company located in Tempe, AZ, is or may be using a fraudulent way to make thousands of people pay several hundred dollars in fines, lose points on their driver’s license, as well as pay higher insurance costs just because of something wrong done by the Red-Light Ticket Violation Company.
Here is what happened: I was driving a car to an auto part house to check on some parts I had ordered. On my way back, I came to a complete Stop for the Red-Light Signal at the bus crossing. I stopped completely, but the camera light flashed anyway.
A few weeks later, I got the ticket for “Failed to Stop for Red Signal.” Yes, the ticket stated I “Failed to Stop for Red Signal”, but I know I did stop. I was shocked to read that the ticket cost was $487. Opting to see the Judge would cost me more time and money, and a loss from work would just cause more aggravation.
I studied the Photograph that the Red-Light Ticket Violation Company sent me. There were four photographs. The first photo shows my car from the rear at a full stop with the Red-Light Signal on. My brake lights were also shown being bright red. The photo clearly shows that I was at a full stop.
As a Legal Expert for Diminished Value and Lemon Law, it was confusing to me to read “Failed to Stop for a Red Signal” on the ticket, while the photograph clearly showed the vehicle stopped with its brake lights being brightly lit up.
The second Photo shows the front of my car at 5 mph, moving as if leaving from a stop due to a Green light, and my front tire has crossed the Limit Line. In the photo, it also shows the Red Light is On for the Cross Traffic, indicating that my light was Green when the camera flashed and captured my front tire crossing the Limit Line.
The third photo shows me in the driver seat, and the fourth photo shows my front license plate.
I called the Red-Light Ticket Violation Company and spoke to possibly an officer. I told her that my car was stopped at the red light and the photo showed the vehicle stopped. One can clearly see that my brake lights were on; the ticket was not right.
She said, “Yes, I see that you are stopped at the red light. Let me go see what the boss says and I will be right back.” Several minutes later, she came back and said, “Well, we got you anyway. Your front tire crossed the Limit Line. Look at the second photo.”
I said, “Yes, I can see that, but I stopped for the Red Light.” Then she told me that even though I did stop, the Violation Code under section 21453 (a) VC says, “If you cross the Limit Line, you ran a Red Light.”
I thought, “In that photo with my front tire crossing the Limit Line, it clearly does not have a red light in front of me.” I said the ticket states “Failed to Stop at the Red Signal” and the first photo shows I am at a full stop. The Ticket for not stopping at the Red Signal is therefore wrong. She explained, the Description “Fail to Stop at Red Signal” was because my front tire crossed the Limit Line. The same code is used for both places and that means I will have to pay.
I then asked the officer if I could see all of the photos that supposedly show me running the red light. She said “OK,” so she helped me with an appointment date and place to go to see them.
When the day arrived, my wife and I went to the police station where the Camera Office is located, in Inglewood CA, to see if there are any photos and video’s of me running the Red Light Signal.
When I got to the complaint window, I said I was there with an appointment for 10:00 am. Then I explained to the officer why I was there, that I wanted to see the photos showing me running the Red Light. I showed her the ticket that states I “Fail to Stop at Red Signal” and the first photo with the vehicle stopping at the red light.
She looked at the photos and then said, “The second photo shows your front wheel crossed the Limit Line.” I then clarified, “The First Photo shows I stopped at the Red Light with a Red Signal, and in the second photo that the camera took, it shows the front tire crossing the Limit Line, but there was no Red Light in front of me. In fact, the second photo shows that the Cross Traffic Light was Red.
The officer went to get the Photos and Video for me to see whether I did run the Red Signal, which I actually did not. A few minutes later, she returned and said, “Well, I’m sorry, but we lost the Video, so this is what I’m going to do. I will just Dismiss the Ticket for you.” Three days later, I saw that the ticket had indeed been dismissed.
People can be made to think that they broke the law of running the Red-Light under the Violation Code 2143 (a) VC with the Description “Fail to Stop at Red Signal,” when in fact, it is a twisted truth to get you to pay the fine one way or another, even if there is actually no evidence.
It is more profitable to a company if they can find a way to make money off of you, with you thinking you were wrong and therefore you paid, but there is no Justice in that.
My question is, “What happened to all the millions of dollars people have paid to the company under a condition that can be seen as possible Fraud on their part?” I would say everyone should be asking for a full refund. For example, the photo showing my front tire crossing the Limit Line does not have a red. Instead, the photo shows that the light for the cross traffic is Red.
Many people have been wrongfully charged and have paid large sums of money to the Courts when they may not have actually Run the Red-Light Signal. People could be made to think they broke the law when they did not, simply because the Violation Code under section 21453 (a) VC says you crossed the Limit Line. This is unfair because when the light turns “Green” we will cross the Limit Line, so if they said we ran a Red Light, there should be proof before they take our money. However, there was no proof in my photos.
Not all cities enforce the Red-Light Ticket Violation, and I think it is because they know it is unfair. This is specifically true since those lights sometimes flash even when no one is in any part of the area to cause any violation.
It is an unfair business practice to use a photo that does not show a Red Signal in it to prove a person ran the light, yet many were made to pay for that Ticket anyway. The Red-Light Camera company will use it to prosecute you, the same way they tried it with me. It is also unfair to have a Red Light Camera in some areas but not in others.
The Red-Light Camera Company is using this method to get money with no concern for how much it costs the driver. The Red Light Cameras should all be removed based on the fact that they have cost the people hundreds of millions of dollars with an unfair justification of using the laws’ wordings and a camera photo to force a person to pay an unfair amount of money.
I recommend that you complain about it if the photos they use are deceptive. When you have clear evidence that you stopped at the Red Light, you should use the law to help you. Remember the ticket is specific. If your photo shows you stopped at the Red Light and your brake lights are on, but the ticket states “Fail to Stop at Red Signal”, then the ticket is not telling the truth. The ticket is wrong because the photo proves you did stop. From my understanding of the law, it should be dismissed because the photo proved you stopped,
Ask yourself, how many criminals have been released from a crime because the evidence was mishandled, or something the officer wrote was misspelled, or the photo contradicts the accusation? Your ticket is no different.
If a photo shows that your front tire has crossed the White Limit Line, it must also show that there was a Red Light as you were crossing the Limit Line. Some Red Light Cameras are not always right, and they may flash when they are not supposed to.
Since my first photo does show that I stopped at the Red Signal, and the second photo shows my front tire has crossed the limit line but not me running a Red Light in the same photo, the officer eventually dismissed my ticket. Besides, the ticket does not say anything about me being over the Limit Line.
Pay attention to the words on the ticket and what the photos show; it is possible that you do not have to pay the fine.
I won this one and you can to. Just read the Ticket wordings carefully and analyze the Photo used against you. If you already paid the ticket, I would suggest asking for your money back based on any possible deception to get your money.
Good Luck, and if this helps you, please tell a friend and spread the word.
All the Best to you,
Jackie Winters
Lemon Protection
The Diminished Value Experts